Our Ministry Team

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Rev. Aaron Moore and Ashley Moore

Our Pastor

Aaron and Ashley, his wife since 2014, were members of First Baptist Church of Ashburn, Georgia, where he served as a deacon until answering the call to ministry in 2019. Since the Fall of 2023, Aaron has served Northern Heights Baptist Church.

Before coming to Northern Heights, Aaron graduated Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, with a Bachelor of Science in Crop Production. A few years later, he earned a Master of Arts in Philosophy from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) in 2022. Presently, Aaron is continuing his education at NOBTS in pursuing a PhD. 

Aaron’s favorite Scripture is Jude 24-25, a doxology:

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior, who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.”

Support Staff

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Jerry Johnson

Food Ministry Director

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Dewey Mitchell

Brotherhood Director

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Carol Gamble

WMU Director


Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Jerry Johnson



Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Ed Barrett

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Gary Edalgo


Vice Chairman

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Carl Gamble

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Dewey Mitchell


Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Jody Griffin



Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Ed Herrington

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Tommy Kilcrease

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Greer LaPorte

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Bobby Mixon


Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

James Morris

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Wayne Stephens



Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Jody Griffin


Brett Sinyard

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Bobby Mixon